Thursday, August 6, 2009


hey guys..!!~
long time nOt blOgging any memOries..;p
i'm Quite busy ryte nOw..
i've go back to shah alam..
n wOrk at Noodle StatiOn..;)
btw, tOday ( 5 August 2009 )..
is my lucky..just like sum1 told me just nOw..
its bcOz i da lulus my license, so da dpt P..;)
afta i cAme bAck hOme..
my hsemates ijah msg me..
she tOld me dat Ptptn da msuk..;)
anOther gud news..!!~
tOday i'm felt like i was shOo lucky..
may Allah bless me till da end..;)
p/ s : i'm gOnna shOpping2 sakAn, cAre to jOin..;)